While the rave about the kindle was widely declared a flop by Universities that used them, the next round will test out the significance of the widely popular iPad. Administrators across the board are suggesting that this piece of technology is intended to be used as a collaborative tool and thus enhance the classroom experience through the use of specific apps that will further enhance a set of tools for students as the enter the workforce.

One possible solution that the iPad may provide is offsetting the abundant costs of textbooks that students encounter from year to year.   Albeit the iPad can cost up to $829, that would be a large discount if compared to the astounding costs of textbooks.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of a few of the latest schools delving into the iPad world for their students:

1. Seton Hill University – Intends on giving the entire class of 2014 iPads.
2. Illinois Institute of Technology – Is providing their entire freshman class with iPads (Small cost of $250k).
3. George Fox University – Students will have the option of an iPad or a Mac Book.
4. Long Island University – Is providing their entire freshman class with iPads.